How to use:
a- For warts:
– Surround the wart with Vaseline before use.
– Moisten the tip with water and start applying over the wart up to two minutes.
– Repeat once daily for warts for 3 days, and
once daily for plantar verrucae for 6 days.
b- For cautery as mild caustic:
– The physician should do the application
– Applied directly, no need for moistening
because the mucous membranes or the blood contain water.
Application lasts between fewseconds up to one minute, to the satisfaction of the physician.
Silver Nitrate Sticks 90%.
Active Ingredient: Silver Nitrate 90% wt/wt. Excipients (Potassium Nitrate 10%)
Form: Plastic sticks with silver Nitrate Tips (0.1 gm)
product size: 10 sticks
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